• In-house project
  • Over 87,000€ worth of sales in 2 months

Strongmann.cz / Strongmann.sk


I(Nikita Mann), as the owner of an agency, decided to do an inhouse project (online store). We chose to sell products for gyms and heavy sports (Crossfit, powerlifting, etc.)
The choice fell on these products, because I love heavy sports, even have a degree in powerlifting, but because of an injury forced to train more lightly.
Also we had a good contact with the manufacturer of these products.


Together with the team, we designed the brand identity, developed a promotion strategy, made the online shop, and automated the ordering process.
It all took about 1 month.
Prepared the creatives and launched the traffic on FB/IG and Google

Ads account in Czech Crowns, 1€ = 23.5czk
Total spent - 18,477€(With Google ads)
Conversion value - 87,077€

Free firsh call
7,887€ - Sales to Slovakia in €


After a few months - the project is fully automated and sales are gradually increasing.
The plan is to enter other European countries - Germany, Poland, Austria.

Google Ads account

Ads account in Czech Crowns, 1€ = 23.5czk
Total spent - 5843€
Conversion value - 21734€

We know that not super results, but we are working on it, at first it is difficult to compete with marketplaces and large online stores on Google.


We fully Inhouse launched a business - which works automatically, has good margins and average check + has a good reserve for future growth.

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