• Budget 8,000€/5 days
  • Sales of more than 77,500€
  • 120 students on the course

Socialmind / Online course


Client wants to launch an online course, but has only a week to promote it.


Together with the client, we developed several audiences that would be most suitable for the course, and for these audiences we prepared several video-creatives with an appeal to participate in our funnel.
We also developed a funnel specifically for this course, which consisted of education videos.

We decided on a promotion budget and launched ad campaigns.

Ads account in Czech Crowns, 1€ = 23.5czk
Total spent - 7933€
Total sales - 77600€
Leads - 9809


It's often hard to get to those budgets a day right away - without testing. However, if you prepare everything well and have the courage - you can 😎


We successfully completed the launch of the course in 7 days + gathered a large warm base for subsequent courses and sales.
Total leads - 9,809
Total spend - 7,933€
Total sales - 77,600€

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