• More than 1,800 leads
  • The cost of a lead below 2€

Prime Delivery / Delivery company


The client needs new workers, can employ a huge number of people to work on company cars also with their own cars and scooters.
Need responsible people who are multilingual and experienced.


Developed a funnel to select quality candidates who are really interested in the job.
All processes were automated, so that the client received only quality applications that were familiar with the terms and conditions and ready to work in the next few days.

One of three advertising accounts on Facebook.
Total spent - 4114€
Leads: 1436
Per lead: 2,86€


We currently have about 6 advertising accounts active.
This allows us not to worry that one day we will be blocked from all advertising.


We have successfully helped find more than 300 active employees for the company. That is about 16€ per worker employed.
We continue to work with the company in B2B areas as well.

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